Friday, July 25, 2008

Number 10

I feel bad... i always hurt people by saying bad things.. mostly prejudgement without actually knowing a shit.

like "i start to not like the band that much, because of this fake personality. it really seems to me that you have a manager who tells you what to be like and that sucks. or its because of ian. the leader. with his weird trend, that isn't really a trend but in ians definition it is because even no trend is a trend. that is confusing and even he is unsure about his trend. but probably its the manager. i wouldnt expect such consufion from ian. well.. i would. he should grow up and deside what he wants! jeees.." (posted on jamie's blog)

i'm just a stupid little girl that doesnt think about what to say and what not.

i apologize.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Number 9

Dear diary,

no one cares.

I think I stop blogging and try fighting against my lazyness and start making this awesome video I've planned and maybe some art.. depends on when i get to the mall and buy some paint.. i hate watercolors and need something better to work with on canvas.



this it is, what?
i keep on rocking till i die
cant quit, what?
until i'm falling from the sky
this is it, what?
i keep on rocking till i die
and if i never make than at least i tried.
(loztprophetz, here comes the party, track 4)

xD awesome one.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Number 8

I'm a teenager, fighting with teenage problems and roundhousekicking around to keep distance from everyone that could criticize my individuality. Yes, life's tough. I'm thinking of writing a book about it. be continued...
